vendredi 9 mars 2012

Kudos to Sony's Customer Service

So last week I wrote a small post about my PS3 breaking up. I sent it this monday via Purolator and, amazingly enough, I already got it back from Sony. To be honest, I was not expecting it for at least another week, and I was being optimistic, because I've read on forums that it would take like 6 weeks...  Just that makes me happy.

Anyway, great news I got today.

Well since I didn't have my main console for the week, I had the opportunity to finish Gears 3 to round up a great trilogy (more on that in a later post), play a bit of Naruto (good game, not awesome) and Left 4 Dead (Very good at times, but falls short on other occasions). I also bought Halo Anniversary with the power of nostalgia, thinking about all those times I played with friends a decade ago... And I'm very close to finishing Skyward Sword.

All in all, a pretty good week, videogame-wise.

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